О нама


О нама

SmartBerry doo is providing full package of business and information communication technology (ICT) services especially for public administrations in the Western Balkan region. It was established as the SafeNet doo in 2014 by consultants who at that time had 15 years of experience in providing ICT consulting services and delivering software solutions (now, already 20 years of experience in this area). In 2019, Company changed its name to the SmartBerry Solutions doo. From the very beginning SafeNet/SmartBerry has been involved in digitally connecting the institutions in the Western Balkans region.

Our company’s structure is made of highly qualified personnel with key expertise in various fields of implementation of projects funded by the EU IPA, World Bank and other donors, where the main beneficiaries are governmental institutions and agencies in the Western Balkan Region. On-site presence and experience, knowledge of all local languages in the Region and familiarity with our beneficiaries are competitive advantages of our company. ICT team is always in line with the newest technologies available and implemented, and our clients have the solutions produced and/or maintained according to the latest standards.

SmartBerry has specialized in the field of implementation of tailor made ICT consultancy services and innovative software solutions, applying the contemporary technologies and the best quality solutions in cooperation with our partners and clients, from understanding business needs, modelling and optimising business processes and implementing ITC solutions.

Experience of our Company and our expert team in working with multilateral/multinational companies and organisations, including international organisations is extensive and includes the European Commission – Brussels, European Patent Office – Munich, the World Bank’s International Finance Corporation – Washington, CAFAO – Custom and Fiscal Assistance Offices in Western Balkans – Banja Luka, Belgrade, Podgorica, Pristina, Sarajevo, Skopje, Tirana, Eurocustoms – Paris, IOM – International Organisation for Migration – Belgrade, Zagreb, USAID – Belgrade, PwC – Belgrade, GIZ – Podgorica, CEFTA Secretariat – Brussels.

It has to be stressed that almost all ICT solutions provided by SmartBerry to the public administrations directly contribute to the law enforcement, digital transformation, automation of the business procedures, thus modernization and trade facilitation.

Despite fact that the core competence of the Company is in the area of ICT, extensive experience in implementing various programmes and projects with Governmental institutions in Serbia, South-East Europe and even wider, is bringing significant complementary competences to our Consortium for implementation of this Project. On the top of that, we participated in preparation of the Administrative Procedures Inventory (a comprehensive list of administrative procedures) of all services provided to business community.

Наша посвећеност раду и примени практичних знања и искустава, главни су приоритети друштва, што је низ пута потврђено у пракси. Верујемо да наше услуге и постигнути резултати сами по себи говоре о квалитету услуга које пружамо својим корисницама.

Контактирајте нас

Smartberry doo
Нехруова 95-25
11070 Београд
Тел: +381 62 22 78 88
E-mail: office@smartberry.rs