Technical Assistance to CEFTA Structures


Project Description

Assistance on negotiations of the CEFTA Additional Protocol 5 and Assistance to CEFTA Secretariat in developing its Management Information System Capacity.

  1. Technical Assistance on negotiations of the CEFTA Additional Protocol 5:
    1. Consultancy to the CEFTA Secretariat and all 7 CEFTA 2006 Parties involved in negotiations of Additional Protocol 5 (Ministries – Trade/Economy/Agriculture, Customs Authorities, Inspection affairs – Food Safety, Phytosanitary Inspections, Veterinary Inspections, Agencies for Medicines and Medical Devices);
    2. Consultancy and technical support for drafting of the Technical Annexes to the Additional Protocol 5;
    3. On the spot assistance to CEFTA Structures prior to and during the negotiation rounds.
  1. Technical Assistance to CEFTA Secretariat in developing its Management Information System Capacity:
    1. System Analysis of the CEFTA Secretariat (understanding of the business processes / needs analysis);
    2. Identification of available sources of international, regional and national information (and/or databases) relevant to trade in/with CEFTA Region;

Drafting of the Tender Documentation for development of the CEFTA MIS software;

Project Details

  • LocationBrussels, Belgium
  • Main Contractor/ PartnerThe Secretariat of the Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA)
  • TimelineDecember 2014 – June 2016
  • StatusFinished