Project on Visualization of CEFTA Statistics


Project Description

A project to enhance the transparency of trade and investment trends and flows amongst CEFTA Parties and CEFTA Parties with their major partners.

Development and implementation of the WEB portal for visualisation of the CEFTA Statistics – web-based reporting system

  • Enhancement of the transparency of trade and investment trends and flows amongst CEFTA Parties and CEFTA Parties with their major partners by increasing accessibility of the relevant data
  • Processing of trade and investment data collected from CEFTA Parties National Statistical Offices and Central Banks
  • Development and implementation of the Web Portal for visualisation of the CEFTA Statistics – web based reporting system and dissemination platform of data on:
    • trade in goods,
    • trade in services and
    • investment flows

Presentation of trade and investment data, and regional indices in readable and user-friendly manner to be utilised by the main CEFTA stakeholders, academia, business and wider audience.

Project Details

  • LocationBrussels, Belgium
  • Main Contractor/ PartnerThe Secretariat of the Central European Free Trade Agreement (CEFTA)
  • TimelineMarch 2017 – December 2017
  • StatusFinished